How to Use Emotional Branding to Connect With Your Target Audience

In our previous posts, we’ve talked about the importance of connecting to the new target audience of Gen Z by focusing on brand missions, values, and sustainability, but what are some ways to share your brand’s missions and goals with our audience? We’ll give you a hint, it’s the same way you connect with people in real life: emotionally. Brand experience is based on emotions, so how can you find ways to emotionally connect with your audiences?

Ask yourself this: what are some key values your brand/business has that will help your audience feel more connected to you? Do you believe in recycling your products once they’re finished? Do you believe in donating proceeds of your yearly profits to mental health awareness programs? Are they actually the same values you truly have? Are you showing up authentically and for your customers and audience or for-profit? These questions can help you find where your business is at and where it needs to change in order to connect to your audience.

We know that shopping online-well, practically doing everything online, can distort reality and make communication feel inauthentic. The only difference between you and other competitors is the way you market yourself. You really have to connect with your audience and make them feel that they are a part of your brand in a way that is mutually beneficial. We say this in a way to advise you to allow yourself/your brand to be itself, not in a way to try and persuade or trick your audience emotionally into believing your brand is good for them if it is not. Zero bro marketing tactics here. You want to build loyalty within your target audience, you want them to come back to your business because they feel they trust you and know you.

If you want to sell something, think about how you like to be sold to

If you want to sell something, think about how you like to be sold to. You don’t like when you get a pop-up ad demanding you to “buy now", why? Because oftentimes we are buying the story more than we are buying a product. Create real connections through real stories. Share your businesses and mistakes. failures, and goals, share who you are and why you started this business. Another way to emotionally connect to your audience is through satisfaction. Showing your audience how competent you are in what you do can increase credibility and long-term retention rates. When you process orders and respond to emails quickly it shows you’re the real deal and serious about your business and the service you provide. By being a leader and going above and beyond with the services you provide, you simultaneously run a great business and show how competent you are at the same time. Displaying accountability and a mindset aimed toward growth also supports the creation of that emotional connection.

In the same way, we grow as individuals, let your brand grow as well. Over time, your brand should become better, and smoother at processing and integrating new ideas. For example, when a business is just getting started, customers expect minor glitches in the website and possible delays in shipping. As you become more experienced, your business should become easier for your customers to digest, making them happy to be a part of the journey as well as more satisfied with the services!

Finally, align your brand identity to match the beliefs and values of who you want your target audience to be and properly integrate that into your content. If you’re a sustainable business, post content that shows that such as articles about recycling programs, or if you’re a beauty brand, post around creating conversation around beauty standards let customers know where you stand and actually embody those brand values. Show what your brand/ business can do for your consumers, making a connection between your business logic and their feelings.

By showing your brand’s values you will be able to find an audience that believes in the same thing you do. This will help you be more human-like, allowing you to be honest and transparent with your audience. Through satisfaction created by competency and exceeding in what you do, you will build a rapport and connection with your audience that allows for your brand to grow in new ways for old and new consumers.

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