Content Creator Vs. Influencer: What’s the Difference?

In the complex world of influencer marketing, there are a plethora of different types of people working within it. Many of us recognize the terms like content creators, digital creators, and influencers, but we don’t exactly know what the difference is between them. We’re going to breakdown those differences between an influencer and content/digital creator for you! And no need to say thank you, that’s our job!

What is a content creator?

A content creator/digital creator makes content essentially. They make anything from videos, graphics, photos for posting, blog content, etc. Think of them as the people behind the scenes when it comes to branding/marketing. The content they create gets posted onto an array of different platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and their own websites for exposure. These creators work is easy to spot, as it always of high quality and perfectly represents a brand, from colors to tone to fonts. These creators are good at what they do because it is soley what they do, unlike influencers who may do a plethora of different types of content. The content thet make is to create brand awareness and build audiences. For content creators, followers do not mean as much as they do for influencers, their work is what matters the most. Although, well-known creators tend to have high amounts of followers, it is not essential to defining a good content creator.

Digital creator for skincare brands @juanskindiary

What is an influencer?

Influencers are… well, influencers. The name ultimately describes what they do. They use their personal brand to make recommendations and help other businesses sell their products/services. Influencers rely on their likeabiity and trustability to work with business’ to sell products. When you think of influencers think of bloggers, people who do reviews, and YouTubers. Influencers use their platform, created off of an image of themselves they thoroughly maintain to promote brands/lifestyles. For them, followers matter as they focus on engagement and community building to sell products/services for others.

Clothing brand/Lifestyle influencer @piamance

So which is good for your business? 

Both can be great for marketing campaigns but for different reasons. Influencers will personally advertise and promote your products through their accounts, bringing their followers to you (generating sales and engagement) while content creators will make content for your products or services (creating content strategies) that you will use for your brand (think infographic or reel describing your products/services).

Content creators can really help when it comes to your marketing campaign with their research and digital marketing skills.The content they make for you can save you a ot of time and lets you focus on other parts of your business while they help create the image of your brand. Unfortunately, they don’t always have large followings so they cannot influence much on their own. 

Influencers are good for new businesses or small businesses looking to create brand awareness and reach new audiences. Influencers offer a great return on investment. Since influencers have such intimate relationships with their audiences, your product/services will get a lot of engagement when they post about it. Influencers are also great if youre looking for a target audience. Chances are there is an influencer that has that exact audience, niche or not, who can help promote your business directly to that audience. Cons for influencers is that their content may not always be as good as content creators, even if they do have a large following. Their followers also may not eb authentic, meaning they are fake followers ( so 2016). Lastly, not everyone likes to engage with influencers, meaning youre losing a portion of a possible audience by working with one.

Simple Breakdown:

Now that you know the difference between content creators and influencers, check out our upcoming article breaking down the different types of influencers and which ones is best for your business.

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