Meet the Founder



What’s up, Lauren here.

I’m going to keep it real and be transparent. Paradigm shifts, changes in industries, none of that happens if people do not put their crazy, off-the-walls, that-could-never-work, ideas out there.

After interning at multiple social media agencies, I realized the kind of business I wanted to work for either didn’t exist or wasn’t in my awareness. I craved depth. I craved the ability to be able to lead with my intuition and try out new things. I craved the ability to support the projects and missions I truly believed in. With that, Irresistibly Social was born. An agency created to serve those who ruffle feathers, put themselves out there, and pave paths for others to follow.

No one ever said trailblazing was a task for the faint of heart, but we’re here to help clear the path along the journey. Let’s f*cking do this.