Your IG Strategy Can’t Be Your TikTok Strategy

TikTok has taken the social media world by storm, with over 1 billion active users and a 457 percent year-over-year increase. What was once considered a children's app has grown into a massive platform for individuals of all ages. In addition to that, TikTok has surpassed Tinder as the second-highest revenue-generating app, and is expected to overtake it by the end of 2022.

With that said, it is TIME to get your brand on TikTok if you haven’t already. If you’ve already put your brand on TikTok but are struggling to see results, we’re here to help! The number one problem we see with brands trying to grow on TikTok is this: they think their Instagram strategy and their TikTok strategy can be one in the same. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

For a variety of reasons, TikTok is unlike any other social media platform. The first and most obvious is that the vast majority of the content you consume on TikTok comes from people you don't follow. This means two things: one, you have a far better chance of going viral, and second, it's a lot easier to get new people to see your page.

Additionally, TikTok's entire community is nothing like Instagram's. When you compare how users connect on TikTok to how they interact on Instagram, the tone is very different. TikTok is all about being yourself, being messy, and showing up as you are, whereas Instagram is still mostly about, well, vanity. This is why your IG strategy and your TikTok strategy cannot be the same.

Now, the question is what should your TikTok strategy look like? This is going to be different for every business, so we like to start off in our strategy planning sessions with a few simple questions. First, what are our main goals for the next three months? Is there anything we’re launching? Any topics we need to hit on? Is our audience at the beginning stages of feeling comfortable with us, or have we been nurturing them for a while and they are ready to buy?

Next, we think think about how we want our audience to see us on TikTok. This should be based off of your brand strategy aka your brand values, personality, tone, etc. The thing about TikTok is that people love brands that feel personified, think about Duolingo or the Empire State Building account for example. These accounts do so well on TikTok because they have personified their brand.

Once we have that down, it’s time to get to work. We plug the topics we’ve decided to touch on into TikTok’s search page and then we look to see which videos are the most viral, why are they viral, and how can we recreate them in a way that’s authentic to us? Sort all of these ideas in a place of your choosing, we absolutely love Airtable and Notion!

The last piece of creating your strategy is execution, the actual creation part of content creation. What we have noticed is that companies that see the most growth and engagement on TikTok are companies that are consistent, interactive, and playful. Think about a commercial that you still remember to this day, it’s likely that this commercial invoked some sort of emotional warmth or humor through the lens of a story. Your TikTok strategy needs to do that same thing.

Let’s go over these steps to create the perfect TikTok strategy one more time! Know what your goals are in relation to your brand. Then, figure out what you want your brand to look like to others who view it. Next, learn what is trending so you can compete. Finally, bring your strategy to life by executing these steps and posting! By using this step-by-step strategy, your TikTok will become a tool to help your business grow in different ways and access new audiences that cannot be found on other social media apps.

For detailed consultations and more help on your social media strategy click the link below!


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