Everything You Need to Know About Web3 as a Creator

Okay, we’ll bite. Maybe you've been wondering about what “web3” is, but felt intimidated by it or didn’t think it would be applicable to you, or that it was just a fad. Spoiler alert: Web3 is here, and if you are a digital creator of any kind it’s time you learn about what it is and how it can help you! As mysterious as it sounds, it’s quite simple. Today we’re going to break down the world of web3 and how it affects you as a digital creator or online business owner!

*scroll to the bottom if you want a quicker read* 

Web3 is a new age of the internet that is decentralized. What that means is no more big guys running the web (think Google, Facebook, Instagram, and other conglomerates who hold most of the power) and instead lets us creators and smaller businesses have an equal stake in the playing field (this is off to a good start, right?). The internet will now be owned and controlled by the users (us). How will we own it, though? How do you “own” something digital?

No more fighting with mysterious algorithms, and fighting to get paid on the platforms that are only valuable because WE make them valuable.

In the same way, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum exist through a system of decentralized blockchains, tokens will do the same for the new internet. Tokens will be the new form of payment to creators and users. You’re probably wondering how beneficial that is to you and how it will even work? Think paying content creators you like via subscription services, play-to-earn, or NFT marketplaces (that we already see growing) that allow people to sell their art in exchange for a form of digital currency that can be turned into real money. This new form of payment can be more beneficial because there would no longer be a middle man. No more gatekeepers taking their piece of the pie, but now a new way to get currency directly sent to you for your work.

Currently on web2, we see content creators and business owners using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote their content. They monetize their work but Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter primarily profit off of this, rather than the creators and business owners. Without these platforms, poof, there’s no longer a way to connect with your audience. Your work and profit is at the hands of these big companies and anything can change at any time. Think of web3 as the new phase of the internet where you aren’t forced to use these apps as the only way of distributing your content. Web3 is set out to replace these companies that are centralized with open platforms run by communities (aka us) so we can profit off our work instead of the big guys. Web2 was the creation of content creators and online business owners( actively using the internet) , transitioning from web1 (being a viewer of the internet). Web3 sets out to not only make you an active participant, but a monetized participant, giving you your fair share. Web3 gives creators and online businesses a new way to monetize their work that large platforms currently don’t. This changes the way the web looks, there is now opportunity for profit in every aspect, giving regular people an equal playing field that once only big companies had access to. 

Content creators and online business owners can now claim ownership of their work and be paid for it and be better connected to their audiences. If content and services is the primary use of the web, shouldn't these people get the most profits? And shouldn't they be better connected to their audiences? Networks like Discord, Twitch, and Patreon are already paving the way for what web3 can be through direct payment to the creator through their content. This is big for any creator, whether they be an artist, musician, writer, or photographer. The traditional way of posting your content will no longer be under the regulation of big conglomerates but now controlled by you, by us. Imagine individuality being profitable! Creators like you having space to not only create your work but also having control of it. No more competing with algorithms to push out content (thank goodness), no more having to use ads as a way to maximize your profit and annoying your audience, or giving all of your profits over to the sites you use. Bye to the days of zero ownership and no control of your content and hello to a new community driven, open platform. Content creators and business owners will no longer be something to profit off of, they will be the profit.

TLDR: A community-led web vs a conglomerate-led web. Content creators and business owners have full control of their content, how it's placed, and how it's monetized. Value can be created and added to through the cooperation of creators and their audiences (which is what we have now but with no value). What holds the internet together: the creator economy will now directly benefit those who create the economy through their work and who view their work. Like Drake said, “honestly that sounds like a fair trade to me”.

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